BA (Hons) Early Years Childhood Studies

HLT037-P-UOB-SX-03 Part-time

Awarding Institution
The University of Bolton
Teaching Institution
University of Bolton
Language Of Study

This Programme adheres to the University's Fitness to Practice Declaration

Professional Accreditation

None Associated with this programme

Programme Awards

Title Type Level Description
Honours Degree (BA (Hons)) Final Award Level 6 Early Years and Childhood Studies
Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) Exit or Fallback Award Level 5 Early Years and Childhood Studies
Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) Exit or Fallback Award Level 4 Early Years and Childhood Studies

Benchmark Statements

The following benchmark statements apply to this programme:

Internal and External Reference Points

  1. Office for Students Sector Recognised Standards
  2. UK Quality Code for Higher Education
  3. The University of Bolton awards framework

Other Points of Reference

General Entry Requirements

Other entry requirements apply to this programme these are: For UCAS tariff points please see our University web-site at You may be required to attend an interview and/or provide a portfolio of work.

Additional Criteria

Additional Admission Matters

Aims of the Programme

The principal aims of the programme are to:

Distinctive Features of the Programme

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge & Understanding

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding of:

Cognitive, Intellectual or Thinking Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Practical, Professional or Subject-specific Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Transferable, Key or Personal Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Programme Structure

The programme comprises 360 credits, made from 120 credits each at HE4, HE5 & HE6. Level HE4 consists of six core 20 credit modules, Level HE5 consists of six core 20-credit modules, and Level HE6 consists of one 40-credit and four 20-credit modules in core early years subjects.

Validated Modules

Title Module Code COE1
Professional and Personal Development EYC4007 C
Introduction to Child Development EYC4008 C
Social Policy for Early Years EYC4009 C
Learning in the Digital Age EYC4010 C
Facilitating Children's Learning EYC4004 C
Developing Reflective Practice EYC5001 C
Child Development - 2 EYC5007 C
Safeguarding Children EYC5008 C
Inclusive Practice EYC5009 C
Children and Society EYC5014 C
Theories and Approaches to Learning in the Early Years EYC6002 C
Leadership and Management in the Early Years EYC6004 C
Research Methods EYC6005 C
Dissertation EYC6006 C
Work Experience EYC4112 C
Creating Positive Learning Experiences for Children EYC5112 C
Developing Children's Health and Wellbeing EYC6103 C

1Core, Optional, Elective

Learning & Teaching Strategies

Lectures will introduce the key learning for each module, followed by classroom based activities that apply learning and theoretical perspectives to work based scenarios. You will be supported in the development of independent research skills through formative feedback and directed reading. You will be expected to increase your ability to work independently in the later stages of the course. Tutorials will be included as part of each module programme. The Practice Trainer will develop your professional practice through observations in the workplace and professional 1:1 discussions This programme adopts a blended style of learning and teaching including online delivery and engagement where appropriate.

Learning Activities (KIS entry)

Course Year Level 3 HE4 HE5 HE6 HE7
Scheduled learning and teaching activities n/a 20% 16% 13% n/a
Guided independent study n/a 69% 76% 78% n/a
Placement/study abroad n/a 11% 8% 9% n/a

Assessment Strategy

A variety of assessment methods are used throughout the course, these include, essays, presentations, case studies, activity plans, reflective accounts, critical evaluations, one seen exam and a Dissertation research project. Each piece of assessment will require you to apply theoretical perspectives to your practice and the work setting. You will complete a PDP Portfolio in the Study Skills module as part to the summative assessment. Group discussions, class based activities and 1:1 tutorials will form part of the formative assessment strategy, in addition to reflective accounts on your learning which will be included in your PDP portfolio.

Assessment Methods (KIS entry)

Course Year Level 3 HE4 HE5 HE6 HE7
Written exams n/a n/a 10% n/a n/a
Coursework n/a 100% 90% 100% n/a
Practical Exams n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Assessment regulations

Assessment Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes apply to this programme.

Grade Bands & Classifications

Undergraduate Honours Degree

Regulations can be found at:

Role of External Examiners

External examiners are appointed for all programmes of study. They oversee the assessment process and their duties include: approving assessment tasks, reviewing assessment marks, attending assessment boards and reporting to the University on the assessment process.

Support for Student Learning

Methods of Evaluating & Enhancing the Quality of Learning Opportunities

Sources of Information

Audit Notes

The following changes were made from the previous version of this Programme:

New modules Module code EYC4012 changed to EYC4112 Module code EYC5012 changed to EYC5112 Module code EYC6003 changed to EYC6103

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