MSc Mechanical Engineering: January Start

ENG031-F-UOB-MX-01 Full-time

Awarding Institution
University of Bolton
Teaching Institution
University of Bolton
Language Of Study

Professional Accreditation

None Associated with this programme

Programme Awards

Title Type Level Description
Master's Degree (MSc) Final Award Level 7 Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) Exit or Fallback Award Level 7 Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) Exit or Fallback Award Level 7 Mechanical Engineering

Benchmark Statements

The following benchmark statements apply to this programme:

Internal and External Reference Points

  1. UK Quality Code for Higher Education
  2. The University of Bolton awards framework

Other Points of Reference

General Entry Requirements

You are normally expected to have successfully completed an honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject and have appropriate work experience. You may be required to attend an interview and/or provide a portfolio of work.

Additional Criteria

Additional Admission Matters

There are no additional Admission Matters associated with this Programme.

Aims of the Programme

The principal aims of the programme are to:

Distinctive Features of the Programme

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge & Understanding

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding of:

Cognitive, Intellectual or Thinking Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Practical, Professional or Subject-specific Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Transferable, Key or Personal Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Programme Structure

The programme comprises six 20 credit taught modules and a 60 credit masters project.

Validated Modules

Title Module Code COE1
Research Skills and Project Management MSE7001 C
Advanced Engineering Modelling and Analysis MSE7002 C
Smart Engineering Systems MSE7003 C
Product Innovation and New Technologies MSE7004 C
Individual Major Project MSE7005 C
Advanced Thermal Power and Energy Systems AME7008 C
Mechanics, Materials and Manufacture Processes AME7009 C

1Core, Optional, Elective

Learning & Teaching Strategies

The taught modules are delivered using a range of learning and teaching methods including: lectures, seminars, workshops, practical case study based on industrial problems and physical applications, lab sessions and tutorials. Delivery will be supported by computer-based engineering modelling and simulation using commercial packages, e.g. Matlab/ANSYS/SolidWorks software, and online discussions. These are reinforced by guest lectures and online discussions and activities posted on the VLE. The dissertation is delivered via workshops, independent learning and tutor support, which may be face to face or through the VLE and other suitable technologies. This programme adopts a blended style of learning and teaching including online delivery and engagement where appropriate.

Learning Activities (KIS entry)

Course Year Level 3 HE4 HE5 HE6 HE7
Scheduled learning and teaching activities n/a n/a n/a n/a 25%
Guided independent study n/a n/a n/a n/a 75%
Placement/study abroad n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Assessment Strategy

The assessment strategy for the programme is designed to ensure that you achieve the overall aims and learning outcomes of the programme and the learning outcomes for individual modules. The types of assessment you will be required to complete are formative and summative. Formative assessments are activities that do not contribute to your overall module grade. They are however an integral part of the learning strategy for a module and you are required to complete them. They will be marked and you will receive feedback on your level of achievement. Summative assessments are those assessment activities for which the marks will contribute to the overall module grade. You will also receive feedback on these assessments so that you will know what you have done well and where you can improve. Several different forms of assessment are employed on the programme including group and individual projects and assignments, individual and group presentations, discussions, unseen time-constrained examinations, submission of the products of design processes (calculations, specifications, drawings and models), report and essay submissions, seminar presentations, written and oral examinations. All components of assessment must be passed with a minimum mark of 50%.

Assessment Methods (KIS entry)

Course Year Level 3 HE4 HE5 HE6 HE7
Written exams n/a n/a n/a n/a 40%
Coursework n/a n/a n/a n/a 60%
Practical Exams n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Assessment regulations

Assessment Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes apply to this programme.

The following variations apply:

All components of assessment must be passed with a minimum mark of 50%

Grade Bands & Classifications

Master's Degree

Regulations can be found at:

Role of External Examiners

External examiners are appointed for all programmes of study. They oversee the assessment process and their duties include: approving assessment tasks, reviewing assessment marks, attending assessment boards and reporting to the University on the assessment process.

Support for Student Learning

Methods of Evaluating & Enhancing the Quality of Learning Opportunities

Sources of Information

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