BEng (Hons) Biomedical Engineering with foundation year

ENG023-F-UOB-FX-04 Full-time

Awarding Institution
University of Bolton
Teaching Institution
University of Bolton
Language Of Study

Professional Accreditation

Professional Body Professional Body URL
Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

Programme Awards

Title Type Level Description
Honours Degree (BEng (Hons)) Final Award Level 6 Biomedical Engineering
Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) Exit or Fallback Award Level 5 Biomedical Engineering
Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) Exit or Fallback Award Level 4 Biomedical Engineering
Foundation Certificate (FndCert) Exit or Fallback Award Level 3 Engineering

Benchmark Statements

The following benchmark statements apply to this programme:

Internal and External Reference Points

  1. UK Quality Code for Higher Education
  2. The University of Bolton awards framework

Other Points of Reference

General Entry Requirements

You should have a minimum of two GCE A2-level passes (or equivalent), including any relevant subject; and five GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including English, mathematics and science. You may be required to attend an interview and/or provide a portfolio of work. If English is not your first language you will need to complete a Secure English Language Test at IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.

Additional Criteria

Additional Admission Matters

There are no additional Admission Matters associated with this Programme.

Aims of the Programme

The principal aims of the programme are to:

Distinctive Features of the Programme

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge & Understanding

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding of:

Cognitive, Intellectual or Thinking Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Practical, Professional or Subject-specific Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Transferable, Key or Personal Skills

On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

Other Learning Outcomes

Other learning Outcomes associated with this programme are:

Programme Structure

This 4 year full time programme requires 480 credits to be established for the award BEng (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering; 120 credits at Level 3, 120 credits at level HE4, 120 credits at level HE5 and 120 credits at level HE6. All modules from HE4 to HE6 are 20 credit value apart from the 40 credit Project-type modules required for assimilation and integration of topics and material. At Level 3 there are 4 modules which are 30 credits each in addition there is one optional non-credit bearing module (ATT3037) which is available to support Foundation Mathematics 1 where this is required.

Validated Modules

Title Module Code COE1
Foundation Principles 0 ATT3037 O
Foundation Principles 1 ATT3033 C
Engineering Study Skills ATT3035 C
Engineering Technology ATT3036 C
Principles of Biomolecular Science BIO3025 C
Molecular Principles of Biomedical Engineering BME4002 C
Introduction to Biomechanics BME4003 C
Medical Sensory Devices and Measurement BME4004 C
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology BME4005 C
Biomedical Engineering Projects and Systems BME4007 C
Biomedical Engineering Modelling & Analysis BME5001 C
Medical Instrumentation and Control BME5002 C
Intermediate Biomechanics BME5004 C
Technology in Advanced Musculoskeletal Diagnosis and Treatment BME5005 C
Group Project and Investigation BME5006 C
Biomechatronics and Medical Devices BME5008 C
Medical Equipment Technology BME6001 O
Simulation of Medical Engineering Systems BME6002 O
Advanced Biomechatronic Systems BME6003 O
Advanced Biomechanics BME6007 O
BEng Individual Project BME6008 C
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine BME6009 O
Management and Enterprise in Engineering AME6013 C
Molecular and Synthetic Bioengineering BME6010 O

1Core, Optional, Elective

Learning & Teaching Strategies

The diverse nature of this engineering programme necessitates the use of a variety of teaching and learning methods in order to ensure the acquisition and development of appropriate concepts, knowledge and skills. Many of these methods will be experienced during formal timetabled classes. Most sessions in the Foundation year comprise a formal lecture, workshop what will mainly focus on practical problem solving quizzes, to reinforce the learning and a stock of brief in-house student delivered classroom tasks. Modules will include real world problems solving. Other methods, which are also demanded by professional body accreditation requirements, will be experienced through opportunities to develop creativity and innovative skills. This is predominantly achieved through open-ended project and design, make and test activity, where application, assimilation and integration of course material is realised. As projects, design activity and assimilation is extremely important and time dependent, all project modules are 40 credit value and run over two semesters. Also, as you progress through the programme, your studies will become less structured and more open-ended in nature. This programme adopts a blended style of learning and teaching including online delivery and engagement where appropriate.

Learning Activities (KIS entry)

Course Year Level 3 HE4 HE5 HE6 HE7
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 30% 34% 32% 28% n/a
Guided independent study 70% 66% 68% 72% n/a
Placement/study abroad n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Assessment Strategy

The assessment strategy for the programme is designed to ensure that the overall aims and learning outcomes of the programme are assess and achieved. To accomplish this, a range of assessment methods are used and applied, depending upon the learning outcome in question and the type of module content being assessed. Assessment and feedback may be formative or summative. Summative assessments may consist of project or design reports, examinations, portfolios, presentations, and blogs. At Level 3 you must achieve an average of 40% pass for each module. At levels HE4, HE5 and HE6 you must achieve a 40% pass in all elements of assessment for each module.

Assessment Methods (KIS entry)

Course Year Level 3 HE4 HE5 HE6 HE7
Written exams 12% 33% 35% 17% n/a
Coursework 88% 52% 52% 63% n/a
Practical Exams n/a 15% 13% 20% n/a

Assessment regulations

Assessment Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes apply to this programme.

The following variations apply:

For the BEng Programme Levels HE4, HE5 and HE6 you must achieve a mark of 40% or above in all assessments for each module in order to pass. For the full and current version of the Assessment Regulations, refer to the document “Assessment Regulations for Undergraduate Modular Programmes (Main Document)” on the University website.

Grade Bands & Classifications

Undergraduate Honours Degree

Regulations can be found at:

Role of External Examiners

External examiners are appointed for all programmes of study. They oversee the assessment process and their duties include: approving assessment tasks, reviewing assessment marks, attending assessment boards and reporting to the University on the assessment process.

Support for Student Learning

Methods of Evaluating & Enhancing the Quality of Learning Opportunities

Sources of Information

Audit Notes

The following changes were made from the previous version of this Programme:

Learning outcomes have been updated to AHEP4.

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