Professional Development in Education (online)
EDU153-E-UOB-MX-02 Part-time Distance Learning - Synch delivery
Awarding Institution
University of Bolton
Teaching Institution
University of Bolton
Language Of Study
Professional Accreditation
None Associated with this programme
Programme Awards
Master's Degree (MEd)
Final Award
Level 7
Professional Development in Education (on-line)
Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip)
Exit or Fallback Award
Level 7
Education (on-line)
Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert)
Exit or Fallback Award
Level 7
Education (on-line)
Benchmark Statements
There are currently no benchmarks associated with this programme.
Internal and External Reference Points
- UK Quality Code for Higher Education
- The University of Bolton awards framework
Other Points of Reference
No other references apply to this Programme.
General Entry Requirements
You are normally expected to have successfully completed an honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject and have appropriate work experience. You may be required to attend an interview and/or provide a portfolio of work.
Additional Criteria
- Applicants will have at least a UK upper second class (2:1) Honours degrees (or equivalent).
- Two academic references highlighting their potential to produce Master's level (Level 7) academic work.
- If English is not your first language you will need to complete a Secure English Language Test at IELTS 6.5 or equivalent with no band less than 6.0
- All application forms need to be accompanied by a 250 words reflective statement.
- An initial qualification in teaching, if this is not formally part of the first degree, would be desirable. Experience in the education sector is strongly advised as students are encourage to critically reflect on their experience and relate theory to practice.
- We may wish to interview you as part of the application process. This may be via a virtual open day, over the telephone or any other electronic medium (i.e. video conference).
Additional Admission Matters
There are no additional Admission Matters associated with this Programme.
Aims of the Programme
The principal aims of the programme are to:
- enable students to build on their professional practice and knowledge through a challenging and contemporary programme of study
- develop an enhanced and critical awareness of current key issues within the education sector and its impact own practice
- develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles and theories which underpin educational practice
- develop high levels of proficiency in key skills that meet their personal and professional development needs
- develop critical research approaches and demonstrate application through the production of an independent Master’s level project
- reflect on their own professional practice and exercise independent judgement in formulating creative solutions to complex problems in relevant education contexts
- critically appraise the importance of professional development in education
Distinctive Features of the Programme
- The MEd Professional Development in Education is a contemporary and stimulating programme of study that provides opportunities to critically evaluate current developments and latest research within the field of Professional Development of Education, with emphasis on the students’ professional practice. The specific feature of this particular programme is in its flexibility as the students can choose from a range of option modules more freely according to their professional interests and personal needs. This is also a recommended route for those students who wish to utilise their 60 credits from the PGCE/PGDE M level qualifications.
- The programme is delivered by an experienced, enthusiastic and supportive team of dedicated experts in the field.
- Modules are delivered and informed by a research active academic team with substantial experience of a wide range of educational contexts.
- The programme adopts a learner-centred approach, with a focus on students’ critical reflection on their own experience, and the implications for their professional growth.
- Students study with peers from a wide range of backgrounds, each with an individual perspective on education, enriching the learning process.
- Students will enjoy a high level of support.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge & Understanding
On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate systematic
knowledge and understanding of:
- a critical awareness of national and international developments in education which influence the development of evidenced based practice within the education sector
- an in depth and critical understanding of key theories and models relevant to excellence in educational practice
- the application of research methodologies when dealing with complex issues in their educational context
- ethical principles and values inherent in the education practice and research
Cognitive, Intellectual or Thinking Skills
On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the
ability to:
- critically appraise and synthesise practical and theoretical evidence which contributes to an understanding of teaching and learning
- analyse complex educational issues systematically and use effective problem-solving techniques to develop justifiable and creative solutions
- make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and form comprehensive conclusions and recommendations
- synthesise complex data/information and interpret research findings effectively
Practical, Professional or Subject-specific Skills
On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the
ability to:
- critically reflect on and evaluate your own professional practice, and develop justifiable and creative solutions for improvement
- demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge in context
- formulate a course of action to enact new ideas within their own ongoing system of practice
- interpret research findings relevant to the challenges which they face
Transferable, Key or Personal Skills
On completion of the programme successful students will be able to demonstrate the
ability to:
- demonstrate competence, autonomy, and professional accountability in their professional practice
- utilise high levels of effective written and communication skills, including ICT and numeracy skills
- work effectively in teams using their team skills, and respecting other people’s contributions
- Clearly communicate complex ideas either verbally and/or in writing, and construct coherent arguments using language appropriate to your programme of study.
Programme Structure
180 Credits at HE7: 2 Core (2 x 30 credits), 2 Options (2 x 30 credits) and the dissertation module of 60 credits.
Validated Modules
Title |
Module Code |
COE1 |
Policy and Curriculum Development |
C |
Critical Enquiry and Reflection |
C |
Dissertation |
C |
Leading Learning Communities |
O |
Inclusive Practice |
O |
Advanced Coaching |
O |
Equality in Education |
O |
Advanced Mentoring |
O |
Postgraduate Research Degree Supervision |
O |
Leading Educational Change |
O |
Theories of Action in Teaching and Learning in Primary, Secondary and Further Education |
O |
1Core, Optional, Elective
Learning & Teaching Strategies
Our aim is to deliver a stimulating and engaging programme of study to help you broaden and deepen your knowledge and develop the essential skills to study at Master’s level (HE7). You will participate in a course that offers diverse learning and teaching approaches which are stimulating, personalised and inclusive, and which are informed by reflection, evaluation and scholarship. These include lectures, presentations, seminars, workshops, collaborative task presentations, group and individual tutorials. The programme curriculum embeds a wide range of assessment methods and effective feedback strategies, including peer and tutor feedback. Your fully on-line learning journey will be supported by the intensive use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) that will support engaging learning activities, enable communication and collaboration, and support real-time formative assessment. In addition, you will undertake a significant amount of personal and independent study for general and subject-specific reading, critical research in relevant topics, preparing for seminar and individual/group tasks and working on assignments. Early in your studies guidance will be provided on how you can make best use of this time. We recognise that you are extending your previous professional practice in education to enhance your professional knowledge and skills for your current as well as future professional roles. Whilst studying on the programme you will be encouraged to reflect critically on your educational practice, to seek out evidence to evaluate it carefully and to suggest innovative solutions.
This programme adopts a blended style of learning and teaching including online delivery and engagement where appropriate.
Learning Activities (KIS entry)
Course Year
Level 3
Scheduled learning and teaching activities |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
16% |
Guided independent study |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
84% |
Placement/study abroad |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Assessment Strategy
Assessment tasks are linked to the learning outcomes of each module and are completed before the end of the module. Module assessments typically involve written coursework, oral presentations, time constrained activities, and portfolios. Formative assessment, which does not contribute to the final mark, is given to help the student improve their work. Feedback may be given verbally/written/online. Feedback for summative assessment, which does contribute towards the final result, is normally given in writing to the student, with the opportunity for the student to receive more detailed verbal explanation.
Assessment Methods (KIS entry)
Course Year |
Level 3 |
HE4 |
HE5 |
HE6 |
HE7 |
Written exams |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Coursework |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
100% |
Practical Exams |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Assessment regulations
Assessment Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes apply to this programme.
Grade Bands & Classifications
Master's Degree
Regulations can be found at:
Role of External Examiners
External examiners are appointed for all programmes of study. They oversee the assessment
process and their duties include: approving assessment tasks, reviewing assessment marks,
attending assessment boards and reporting to the University on the assessment process.
Support for Student Learning
- The programme is managed by a Programme Leader
- Welcome Week introduces the student to the University and their programme
- Each student has a Personal Tutor who is responsible for support and guidance
- Personal Development Planning integrated into all programmes
- Feedback is available on formative and summative assessments
- The Student Centre provides a one-stop shop for information and advice
- Comprehensive guidance is available from the University Student Support Services including housing and accommodation advice, counselling, financial and careers advice, and support via the University disability team
- The Chaplaincy where Chaplains and Pastoral Assistants are available from different traditions, faiths and world-views
- Library and IT services are a very good source of advice and support with excellent study skills sessions and materials
- There are Student Liaison Officers attached to each School
- The Students' Union advice services
- Programme Handbooks and Module Guides which provide information about the programme and University regulations
- The opportunity to develop skills for employment
- English language support for international students
- The online Student Information – Policy Zone provides all regulatory and policy information in one place
Methods of Evaluating & Enhancing the Quality of Learning Opportunities
- Student Staff Liaison Committees
- Module evaluations by students
- Programme and University Student Surveys
- Annual quality monitoring and action planning through Programme Plans including data analysis, Subject Quality Enhancement Plans, School Quality Enhancement Plans, University Quality Enhancement Plan
- Peer review/observation of teaching
- Professional development programme for staff
- External Examiner reports
Sources of Information